Brenda Yap

Converted by Falcon Hive


27 June 2007 12:49 pm 0 comments

Uncle Jakob joined mum and I in Melbourne on Saturday, and the two of them just left yesterday afternoon. To be honest, I'm still emo-ing but I'm feeling noticeably better, compared to the last few times mum // dad left. It feels sad that I'm back to being alone here, but at the same time it feels nice to have my own alone time again. However, it being holidays means I just sit in my room and watch videos all day. :P

Yen is leaving tonight for London -- Yen, don't worry too much. :) You'll be fine! :) Have a great flight and we'll definitely talk again soon. Your internet connection should be better there so we can Skype properly, lol! By the time you read this you'll be in London. :)

I really don't like winter. Layering is so meh -- having to drag a coat or jacket around everywhere I go.. I despise it. I miss wearing just a tee and skirt with summer shoes. I haven't worn a skirt in ages because it's too cold, even with tights. Just 2 more months of cold weather to go!

Last week there was an exhibition for the 2nd and 3rd year Interior Design students at RMIT.. So yeah.. As I mentioned, I went there and put up my work and brought some models there and stuff.. And today I went back to pick them up, to find that they had shipped everything from the exhibition space to RMIT.. So I went to RMIT to find that some of my models were missing.. I seem to be on some sort of a model-going-missing strike. This has already happened to me once in Cenfad, when the cleaners threw away a couple of my models by accident.. It's not like I really need the models but I did put work into them..

Missing you.

22 June 2007 11:26 am 2 comments

According to, my mood has not changed since May 24, 2005. I have been loyal ever since, and today, I am feeling accomplished. =P Don't get me wrong though, of course I'm still loyal to Wazir. :)

The long distance relationship has been going very well; much better than I anticipated. Sure, its tough being apart, but with callcards and msn and skype it does make it easier. It's difficult when I'm stressed out and I just need him to comfort me; it's tough when I just want a big hug and cuddle. I miss him very very much, and it frustrates me that I can't be with him physically; and I am very jealous of those lucky people whose other halves are studying with them in the same city, or those who get to fly back home every holiday. :'( Damn you lucky people. :P

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The afterparty of Icon Show 2006. Gosh. One year has gone in the blink of an eye. I still recall sitting in Cenfad's ID studio, putting together our presentation boards; pinning up our work for the exhibition.. And one year later I'm doing the exact same thing at RMIT, but you're not here with me.

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I love you.

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Omg I miss my room too -- my bed and my bright walls. My fold-out desk and my closet. I don't have enough storage space in my room in Melbourne. :( I miss my home, I miss having a damn sofa to lounge on.

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The last time I saw him. :(

Forgive me if you've seen most of these pictures before - Wazir and I really aren't picture taking people. It's been about 3 years yet I probably only have 10+ pictures of us together, lol. But that's just us, I guess.

On a side note, I have been reliving Gilmore Girls by downloading old episodes. I'm already halfway through season 3.


20 June 2007 1:10 pm 2 comments

Been staying with my mum in her hotel ever since she arrived, thus have not had much access to the internet in days; but last night we subscribed to the internet for 24 hours so I've got a few more hours to go. :)

Things have been pretty hectic even though my presentation ended last week because:
♥ The 2nd & 3rd year interior exhibitions opened last night, and I had to help set up.
♥ I have to present my work again tomorrow night to the industry people as a thank you for letting us work with them for the 1 week work experience, and for all the Saturday workshops.
♥ I have to submit a portfolio report thingy about my project on Friday.


My housemate, Lynn has gone back to Penang. :( Lynn I miss you! Leaving me with Loy Yang and Chee Hoe, and I don't doubt that both of them will be Dotaing and WOWing most of the holidays. :P Lol.

Father's Day was on Sunday.. Happy Father's Day, dad! :) It's rather ironic that dad was here on Mother's Day and vice versa.

I received my new boots -- Ah Yi's sister in UK ordered them off for me and brought them back to KL, and mum brought them for me.

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I don't know if you all heard about the shootings that happened in Melbourne on Monday, but you can read about it on It was rather terrifying, knowing that something like this happened in the city that I was currently in. My thoughts go out to the family of the deceased and the other two who were injured. It was really a sad, scary day. It reminded me of the Virginia Tech shootings; and I felt vulnerable, being in a foreign country - it feels unsafe being away from home sometimes.


15 June 2007 3:54 pm 0 comments

Done with final presentation!

Went rather well, I think.


Will celebrate when mum arrives. :)


11 June 2007 9:08 pm 0 comments

Tomorrow I'm going to the printer to get my presentation boards and drawings printed. I was originally budgeting to print on Wednesday, but turns out I finished my work a day earlier. It's kind of strange that in Australia, all the printing shops only print pdf formats. They charge more if its a jpg or any other format. What difference does it make, really? You send the file from the computer station to the printer, and it prints. -.-

Anyway, here are some pictures from when dad and Ah Yi were here. :)

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Bondi beach. :)

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Queen Victoria Building.

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Sydney Opera House.

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Leonard French ceiling at NGV. This is in Melbourne though. :)

Oh, and just for fun ::
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I just noticed that I've been posting every Monday lately. What a coincidence!

I kind of miss my Wordpress blog.. Seng Yip, faster get your blog up! ;P

11 days.

04 June 2007 2:22 pm 0 comments

It's been pretty intense and busy these few weeks. Just 11 days to go for final presentation. I can't wait for it to be over. I just received an email from my lecturers saying that the presentations go from 9.00am til 5.30pm, and my slot is at 5.00pm. -.- I hate being last, it just gets me more nervous than ever. But I'm last because my last name starts with a Y. But why?? My first name starts with a B!! I've always liked presenting second or third.

But anyway. I still have lots to do. I've been working on my drawings, but this being my first semester and all, I'm still a bit unsure of the expectations. Honestly, my technical drawings have never been very good, and back at Cenfad, we used Vectorworks; whereas in RMIT they use AutoCad, so I'm still adjusting to the changes. I have yet to start my 3D as well, but Wazir will be helping me out.

Exam week sucks. My housemates and I agreed that we'd be too busy/lazy to cook this week, therefore, on Saturday we cooked a giant pot of pasta and that's going to be our lunch and dinner this week. It's been two days and I'm already feeling sick -- will definitely have to alternate pasta with Maggi, Indomee, bagels and toast.

But I can't wait for the final presentation to be over and done with, because 2 days after the presentation mum is coming to Melbourne. I know, again.. :) She'll be working at the client's office but we still get to spend time together in the evenings/nights. So I'm working hard now so that I can enjoy later. Work in order to achieve play. That's the concept of my design project too. :) I haven't even been shopping for a while, since dad and ah yi were here.

Oh wells. Time to get back to Cad. :(
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