Brenda Yap

Converted by Falcon Hive

About Me

09 September 2009 7:09 am 0 comments

So here's the truth: I never quite know what to write whenever I'm asked to describe myself. Do I list all the typical 'about me' facts, like ticking them off a form, or do I tell you the most random, 'interesting' things, like my strange habits? And who am I anyway, apart from being a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend wife(!!!), a friend, and an employee?

But I'll give it a shot anyway.

I'm an interior designer who has somewhat recently entered the workforce, having graduated from the Royal Melbourne University of Technology (RMIT) last December. Upon graduation, I found myself making the hard decision to reurn home to Malaysia, which is something I didn't think I would do, after living in Melbourne for 3 years. But family and love trumps everything, so I made that decision and I'm back.

It has been exciting being back home, and also frustrating sometimes too, and this blog basically documents my musings and rantings. It's changed from when I first started this blog; then it was a portal for me to keep in touch with my friends; it was a time when high school had ended, and everyone moved on to college and university all over the world.

I may not be a regular updater, but I do try.

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