Brenda Yap

Converted by Falcon Hive

List time

30 December 2009 1:33 pm 0 comments

I don't know if it's something I've ever displayed here on my blog before but I have a penchant for making lists. Maybe there's a part of me that wants to be Rory Gilmore-esque haha.

With just a day til I leave Melbourne for good I am beginning to feel nostalgic so here so here's a pro con list of things I will and will not miss.

Things I will miss:
1. The city. After living here for 3 years I'm so sick of it but will miss it all the same.
2. Internet speeds. About 10 min or less to download a 40 minute tv show. Awesome.
3. Great public transport. Ridiculous rates but of course I will miss the convenience of the trams, trains and buses. (I've only ever taken a bus twice though)
4. Shopping -- Forever New (my absolute favourite shop), Sportsgirl, Dotti, Bardot, Country Road, Witchery etc. All too expensive but worth it during a sale. Oh and JB Hifi, EB Games... Oh and not to forget super convenient online shopping -- eBay and tons of other websites that ship to Australia for affordable prices. (well, affordable compared to Malaysia at least)
5. 4 real seasons. While I hate summer here, I will really really miss autumn, it was my favouritest season ever lol.
6. Independence. Granted I get a lot of this at home already, but here I have more 'me' time. Or 'me and Wazir' time haha. My family is very needy and clingy and merajuky but I guess that's what you get with mostly girls.

Things I will not miss:
1. Being homesick.
2. Hardly any free Internet anywhere, not even at starbucks or the airport.
3. The accents. Well, I will and won't miss it. I've come to understand it quite well after 3 years and have even picked up a few words myself, but gosh there are a ton of pretentious Asians aren't there? Geez. 1 year here and they're Aus-trai-lian.

Looks like there's more that I will miss. For now, goodbye Melbourne, thanks for the good times, I'll be back again sometime, I know it. I'll miss you!


18 December 2009 9:29 pm 0 comments

I have graduated!!! And with honours that I somehow didn't even know about! Score.

More later, so busy - parents are here, just got back from the Great Ocean Road, been packing hectically, trying to sell off furniture, and jetting to Sydney in 2 days. Plus I've had my phone and internet access cancelled so getting online is quite difficult these days!
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