06 July 2008
1:11 pm
I can't believe I've only just discovered how simple it can be to use ebay. Which really, is a terrible, terrible thing.
It all began when I saw a pair of shoes that I absolutely loved on Rumi of Fashion Toast's feet -- that blue Nine West pair.. So after scouring countless NW stores in Melbourne, my mum checking out KL, and Wazir's mum checking out Dubai to no avail, I resorted to searching online. And everyone was sold out.. And somehow I found it on ebay.. And that was it.
So a week later, they arrived..
KanalThey're really pretty, but much the blue is much more glimmery than it looks in the picture.
And I saw these cheap so I couldn't help myself too.. -.-
TobagoTo be honest I haven't been buying as many shoes as I usually do this year.. Before these couple I've only bought 2 these year.. So I was feeling pretty proud of myself but that's pretty much gone out the window now..
New targets ::
NewtimeI just can't decide whether I like these better in black or brown. -.- Leaning toward the black though. Unfortch I've been unable to find this pair anyway.. Well not on any website that delivers to Australia, and not even on ebay.
I think I have a wedge/NW problem. Help!