Brenda Yap

Converted by Falcon Hive

The emoness.

28 September 2005 12:43 pm 2 comments

Last night, I was looking for something in my room when I stumbled across my high school autograph book. I flipped through it and was saddened to think that we all left high school, believing that we would keep in touch and continue to see each other. Well, it's obvious now -- Sri Cempaka really disillusioned us. :P But really, I did have some really good times at that school [well, of course I did. I was there for 11 bloody years.]

I thought back to my school life and remembered stupid things that I had said or done, and I feel embarrassed. Not just then, actually. Even nowadays. I have put my foot in my mouth several times. I do regret doing and saying certain things, but I cannot take it back.

So, this is my public apology to my friends - I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings, or spoken out of line, at any time. I know I have a tendency to be too honest and blurt out my thoughts; and sometimes I tend to be too open-minded about things, perhaps around the wrong people. You all know me well enough to know that I do not intend to hurt anyone's feelings, or to bitch [unless I really dislike you ;)]. But no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. I'm sorry if I have ever let you down or broken any promises; if I have been cold or distant. You all know that I'll always remember each and every one of you. *hugs*

I know there are quite a number of you who read my blog but do not comment. I guess that's pretty much why I decided to start a public blog [my old one was private]. I blog openly now because I want you to know what's happening with me, and so that I can interact easily with my friends. So, if you have anything to say, just comment and leave a message. :) You know I love hearing from you.

I'm off now. Take care, you all.

(2) Comments

  1. narrowband On Fri Sept 30, 09:06:00 pm

    I'm one of those "comment-less ppl" too (quoted from christina).

    And I do remember writing in my friends' books. I wasn't artistic at all, and didn't have coloured pens or pencils, and stuff like that. So I usually write everything in words, no pictures, no diagrams or sketches, only words in blue ball-point pen. I think the owners of the books did curse me upon seeing the 'destruction'..................... lol :p So unlike the others who had penned theirs :p

    Brenda Y On Sun Oct 02, 11:03:00 pm

    Comment-less people.. lol. Cute. :)

    My memory of writing in autograph books is kinda blah. I always always look back at my friend's books and I always wrote really stupid stuff that I regret. :P But they're fun.

    Thanks for dropping by David! :)


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