19 June 2005
12:35 am
I went to OU with my dad and sis today and we bumped into a couple of old friends of his. The first comment one of them made was "Oh, I thought you were going out with your Indon maid."
Right now I feel okay, but at that moment, fuck, I was pissed. I didn't know what to think.. This ain't the first time that someone has made a reference to me as a maid. Don't get me wrong, I don't look down on maids, but who would want to be looked upon as one? The last time this happened, I was at my mum's condo and I went to the lobby with my kakak [maid] to help my mum with some bags. This neighbour datin of mine came by and commented to my mum, "I see you got two of your maids to come down and help you."
Maybe I'm just being oversensitive, it's not like these people mean these comments. It's not like they know. It just hurts because I have so many memories of me as a child and my cousins used to tease me and say that I was a malay baby, or an indian baby. Coming from a family where they are all chinese educated and sooo chinese looking, I always felt so left out when it came to these things. For starters, I don't look chinese, and I also have to get someone to translate every chinese sentence into english for me.
I've had my insecure moments, I know I'm not the most attractive female on earth. I admit; I'm tanned, I'm short, I've got small eyes, frizzy hair, imperfect eyesight with sensitive eyes so I can't wear contacts all the time. I'm doomed to wear heels, platforms and wedges everyday but it's okay, I love shoes anyway. But why do people enjoy making me feel bad about it? I'm okay with my skin colour, I've grown to accept it and like it; but when people say these things it's fucking annoying. Just because you're fucking pale and you use shitloads of whitening products to stay pale, it doesn't mean that being tan is a crime.
Okay. I've got it off my chest now. I'm feeling better. Thanks for bothering.
By the way, paper, thanks for the comment this morning. You're sweet.
Right now I feel okay, but at that moment, fuck, I was pissed. I didn't know what to think.. This ain't the first time that someone has made a reference to me as a maid. Don't get me wrong, I don't look down on maids, but who would want to be looked upon as one? The last time this happened, I was at my mum's condo and I went to the lobby with my kakak [maid] to help my mum with some bags. This neighbour datin of mine came by and commented to my mum, "I see you got two of your maids to come down and help you."
Maybe I'm just being oversensitive, it's not like these people mean these comments. It's not like they know. It just hurts because I have so many memories of me as a child and my cousins used to tease me and say that I was a malay baby, or an indian baby. Coming from a family where they are all chinese educated and sooo chinese looking, I always felt so left out when it came to these things. For starters, I don't look chinese, and I also have to get someone to translate every chinese sentence into english for me.
I've had my insecure moments, I know I'm not the most attractive female on earth. I admit; I'm tanned, I'm short, I've got small eyes, frizzy hair, imperfect eyesight with sensitive eyes so I can't wear contacts all the time. I'm doomed to wear heels, platforms and wedges everyday but it's okay, I love shoes anyway. But why do people enjoy making me feel bad about it? I'm okay with my skin colour, I've grown to accept it and like it; but when people say these things it's fucking annoying. Just because you're fucking pale and you use shitloads of whitening products to stay pale, it doesn't mean that being tan is a crime.
Okay. I've got it off my chest now. I'm feeling better. Thanks for bothering.
By the way, paper, thanks for the comment this morning. You're sweet.
That is sad. Most of the time people criticise other people on how they look. It's everywhere bren, we can't face reality if we don't look ourselves first than others. As the saying goes, "He who knows how to be poor, Knows everything". What I mean is, you know yourself better than others. Sometimes we put too much patience on us and it's the most overrated virtue in humanity. FIGHT BACK with a dirty fingers maybe? hehehehe.
If you think I'm sweet, thank you very much. But you're a sweetest.
WOW!!...Indian Maid??!!!I'm an Indian and this really comes as a slap on my face...feeling a little outraged myself...anyway... these "superior beings" are in reality>>>"subhuman scum-sucking pigs"...
I think you're really pretty...now c'mon!!...and I HATE fairness products!!!
Thanks Knoizki. I don't mean to blow such a small thing out of proportion, but I was having an insecure moment. It was just one harmless comment, but yeah.. People sometimes can say hurtful things without meaning it. Lol, fight back? I can't be bothered, I'm better than that. Right? ;)
Hey Jenny, thanks for coming by. :) Oops, it wasn't Indian maid, it was Indonesian; so don't worry about that. But yeah, still, people shouldn't judge just like that. Hey I totally get your drift about fairness products. It's sooo annoying everytime there's a commercial for those products on tv. Blergh.