Brenda Yap

Converted by Falcon Hive


24 January 2005 9:37 pm 1 comments

So tell me, what kind of bloody school fails students who receive a C- and below? It's shit ass Cenfad, that's what. They reinforced this rule last semester and I think it's bloody stupid. There's really no point in giving students a C- or a D then, if it's all equivalent to a failure anyway. It's f**ked up. Me, I got a borderline C for one subject; thank god I didn't "fail". Geez.

So college began today with Fadzwin's lesson [which, thankfully, wasn't very stressful], followed by Choo's in the evening. Received some bad news concerning my guy, but am taking it well. I expected much worse from the situation but it all turned out reasonably alright, so I can live with it. Although I'm not entirely pleased either.

Apart from all that, today's been a pretty good day. Spent quite a fair bit of time lounging around during the 4 hours between my classes with Wazir. Slept in the car for quite a while too.

My mum just went to the hospital; she's staying there a night. I don't know what's wrong with her but she looked really unwell. Hope she's alright and will be back tomorrow. Hope for the best, k?

Good night guys..

1 Comment

  1. Korakora On Tue Jan 25, 01:16:00 pm

    Tajuk: Weblog: Ruang Ekspressi Idea dan Sastera
    Moderator: Nazmi Yaakub, cerpenis, novelis, wartawan
    Ahli Panel:
    Sri Diah, Editor Kanan di Penerbitan Karangkraf, Novelis Alaf 21
    Nisah Haron, Peguam, Cerpenis, Novelis
    Tok Rimau, Presiden Geng Jurnal 2004
    Masa: 3 petang
    Tarikh: 29 Januari 2005, Sabtu
    Lokasi: Rumah PENA, Kuala Lumpur
    (Depan Wisma MAA, dekat Restoran Tupai-tupai dan mercu tanda yang mudah dikenali Bangunan DBP yang ada rehal kat bumbungnya)

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